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Various Types of SEO and Common SEO Issues to Address

To flourish in content marking, understanding the different types of SEO is a necessity. Fortunately, this piece leaves no stone unturned regarding this hot topic.

If you were to encounter an inbound marketing agency in Phoenix, there are high chances that they will point out four types of SEO. They are different in a lot of ways. It includes in terms of results, the risk involved, effectiveness and application of the same. They include white hat SEO, black hat SEO, grey hat SEO, and negative SEO.

As far as effectiveness is concerned, this is the fastest method. It is also cheap. It involves the use of shortcuts which means getting to the top fast. However, most of its practices go against Google Webmaster Guidelines. Therefore, the risks of your site ranking lower, being banned or a demotion is high. Also, everything could change as soon as Google updates its algorithm. It is important to note that it happens between approximately 500 and 600 times every year.

Just like the colour itself compared to white and black, the Grey hat SEO falls somewhere between the two. That’s because it doesn’t do anything opposite of what is in the Google Webmaster Guidelines. That said, it does things that are quite risky. For instance, the site uses spun content, the owner pays reviewers and it has many misguiding links. The risk is quite much.

As the name suggests, this SEO method is bad. However, it affects the competitor of the user. It is all about the use of either grey hat SEO or black hat SEO. Your fierce competitor could apply this to your website. Equally important, it does more harm than good. A good example is posting negative reviews. Some go to the extreme of hacking the site, removing the good content and replacing it with bad content.

All the above methods can fall under two other broad categories.

It is applied to either the content or the website. It is based on the likes of URLs, images, paragraphs, headings, Meta descriptions, Meta tags, and title tags.

This approach has nothing to do with your content and site. It relies on online mentions and backlinks. This can be via external websites, inline directories, forums or social media sites and pages.

Moving forward here are some common SEO issues you need to deal with immediately:

Leaving behind risky permalinks may give the visitors a wrong impression of the site or annoy them entirely. They ensure that a page gets ranked, confirming that it is legitimate. Ensure that anchors contain links that associate with the website.

It is a result of lacking knowledge about the focus keyword that enables an individual to analyze the complete site, looking to find any optimization issues. SEO Title is responsible for ensuring that the title tag is suitable for search engines. Meta Description is for manually describing the posts or pages.

Many business sites have issues of links pointing to the wrong destinations. The search engine will rank them lower than the sites which have links pointing towards the desired goal. Ensure that the menu links contain relevant content. The benefits of proper interlinking include lower bouncing of users and enhanced interactions.

The reference of your site from another one can increase the rankings in search engines. These links should contain relevant content and if it is irrelevant to your industry then your website is in trouble.

It is a shared belief that the use of duplicate content is the worst thing to do in web marketing. The ranking will still occur, but search engines will have to compare the two sites containing the same content and pick the original publisher, who ranks better than the other page.

In the end, based on the various types of SEO methods discussed above, you can easily choose the one that you think works for you best. Don’t forget to factor in effectiveness, cost, and risks.

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